Throughout the year we hold a variety of social events for both members and non members, including Race Nights and Bingo Nights.   During the Winter months we hold our very popular Quiz evenings.

New events are being added all the time so keep a look out on this page and on facebook and instagram – don’t miss out!

Friday 30th August 2024Captains’ Monthly Draw£12.50, please sign up on the noticeboard by Wed 28/08/2024. Pay on the night.BBQ
Friday 27th September 2024Captains’ Monthly DrawTBATBA
Tuesday 8th October 2024Quiz NightTBATBA
Friday 25th October 2024Captains’ Monthly DrawTBATBA
Saturday 26th October 2024Craft FairStall holders please contact the office if you would like to book a table. 10am – 3pm
Selection of stalls.
Tuesday 12th November 2024Quiz NightTBATBA
Tuesday 26th November 2024Christmas BingoFree Entry
Please telephone to book your table.
Friday 29th November 2024Captains’ Monthly DrawTBATBA
Tuesday 3rd December 2024Quiz NightTBATBA
Tuesday 14th January 2025Quiz NightTBATBA
Tuesday 11th February 2025Quiz NightTBATBA
Tuesday 4th March 2025Quiz NightTBATBA
Tuesday 8th April 2025Quiz NightTBATBA